


Here is the wheel we are using, with 3 of these omni-wheels (also known as swedish wheels), we can
make an holonomic robot.
You can find this wheels here: http://www.imagesco.com/catalog/robot/wheels.html
The manufacturer is:

TODO: put image/text for the axis adapter

Update 2006/08

The uppers wheels didn't give us satisfaction because of their constant slipping, we now use new ones (made of polyurethane)

TODO: put image/text for the new axis adapter


Here is one of our 3 motor, they comes from MDP (fixme: link).


And here is the base mecanic plan, it was made with qcad (FIXME: link) under GNU/Linux.
DXF sources are avalaible from here: http://download.gna.org/wisirc/MecaWiz/WizBot_1.dxf


The following images show the base mecanics being mounted:

Update 2006/08

This one with the new wheels: